Waterproofing and technical wash are two important processes in maintaining the quality and longevity of outdoor gear. Waterproofing is the process of applying a layer of material to the fabric of outdoor gear to repel water. This is particularly important for gear that is exposed to rain, snow, or other wet conditions. Technical wash, on the other hand, is the process of cleaning outdoor gear with a specialised detergent to remove dirt, oils, and other contaminants that can deteriorate the fabric over time.
When it comes to waterproofing, there are several different materials that can be used, including wax, silicone, and synthetic coatings. The choice of material will depend on the type of gear being waterproofed and the intended use. For example, a heavy-duty rain jacket may require a more durable coating than a lightweight backpack.
As for technical wash, it is important to use a detergent that is specifically designed for outdoor gear. Regular laundry detergent can leave behind residue that can interfere with the waterproofing properties of the gear. It is also important to follow the manufacturer's instructions for washing and drying the gear, as improper care can also damage the fabric.
Overall, maintaining the quality of outdoor gear through waterproofing and technical wash can help extend its lifespan and ensure that it performs well in even the toughest conditions.